
fostering secure attachment

Fostering Secure Attachment

By Jaquie Dason As doulas, new parent educators, and childbirth educators, we are privileged to play a pivotal role in shaping the early parenting experiences of new parents. One of the most crucial aspects of this journey is fostering a secure attachment between parents and their children. But what exactly is secure attachment, and why […]

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Why NOT Sleep Train Infants?

Why NOT Sleep Train Infants? As part of CAPPA’s Postpartum Doula Scope of Practice, doulas DO NOT teach a “cry it out” approach for infant sleep.  Why is that?  There has been an abundance of research on infant sleep and the possible results of using a controlled crying method to get babies to “sleep through

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april newsletter 2024 flanges

Flange Size Matters!

  Jeanette Mesite Frem MHS, IBCLC, CCE is an internationally recognized speaker on pumping, feeding gear, and especially, updated flange fitting. She is the co-investigator for a soon-to-be-released research study, the first ever done looking at flange sizing. It compares “standard” flange fitting recommendations with Jeanette’s Flange FITS™ Method, which uses a different way of measuring

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Black History Month – Birth Artist Cheyenne Varner

With the theme “African Americans and the Arts”, Black History Month 2024 gives us the opportunity to meet black artists and their art that brings attention to the black maternal health crisis we are currently experiencing . Cheyenne Varner is a certified birth and postpartum doula and founder of The Educated Birth, and Everyday Birth

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ashley january

Black History Month – Birth Artist Ashley January

Black History Month 2024 has the theme of African Americans and the Arts. Black artist Ashley January uses her art to bring attention to the black maternal disparity crisis in our country. “I address the Black maternal mortality and morbidity crisis in America through painting and multimedia. Influenced by my own traumatic pregnancy and survival,

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Book Review of “You Are Not Alone” – An anthology of perinatal mental health stories

Book Review of You Are Not Alone – An anthology of perinatal mental health stories from conception to postpartum You Are Not Alone By the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative 2022, Wintertickle Press , Barrie, Ontario Revised by Suyin Jordan CPD, CCCE, CNPE I heard about this book from the 2 parents who started a

Book Review of “You Are Not Alone” – An anthology of perinatal mental health stories Continue reading »

A Doula’s Best Tool: Effective Communication

Effective communication is a doula’s most meaningful tool when navigating client relationships. We must adjust to each family before us to attune to their needs. Attuning requires us to not only communicate effectively but also to listen. Attuned listening is different than the everyday conversation you might have with friends and family. It requires understanding

A Doula’s Best Tool: Effective Communication Continue reading »

Why is My Breast/Chestfeeding Latch Painful?

At the beginning of a nursing session, it’s fairly typical for the nursing parent to have a few moments of discomfort. But once baby latches, other than some gentle tugging on your breasts, nursing shouldn’t hurt! It’s important to stop nursing and resposition if nursing is painful. Continued painful nursing can contribute to sore and

Why is My Breast/Chestfeeding Latch Painful? Continue reading »

Changing the Way We View and Treat Mastitis

As doulas and educators, it is vital that we know about updates in research so we can pass along evidence-based and accurate information to our clients and students.  One of the newest updates in the area of lactation addresses mastitis and “blocked” milk ducts.  This new information is really challenging the way we view the

Changing the Way We View and Treat Mastitis Continue reading »

Is a Doula Collective Right for You?

After you complete your doula training you may be considering different business models and exploring options, such as: building your own doula practice, working in partnership with another doula, or joining an established doula collective. As you embark on this new journey, there are a few considerations to bear in mind. To begin, research the

Is a Doula Collective Right for You? Continue reading »

CAPPA Introduces the Labor Doula Training in SPANISH!

In our commitment to improving birth and postpartum outcomes for at-risk populations, we are now offering the labor doula training in Spanish. We are proud to educate community members and family support workers to provide labor support when language is a barrier to quality healthcare. With help from CAPPA Latinoamerica* (shoutout Jenny Bertha!) we have

CAPPA Introduces the Labor Doula Training in SPANISH! Continue reading »

Me First – Part 2: Managing Work Boundaries

One of the best ways to initiate impactful self-care is to begin setting boundaries. Boundaries help us determine what is our responsibility. Perhaps even more importantly, they delineate what is not our responsibility. In their classic book, Boundaries,[1] Doctors Cloud and Townsend explain how boundaries help us keep nurturing things in our lives and harmful

Me First – Part 2: Managing Work Boundaries Continue reading »

The Five Things Your Baby Needs Most from You

Because you are the most important person to your baby! As doulas and educators, our job is to educate our clients so they can simplify and focus on what’s important and let go of the rest. During all the excitement and exhaustion, many new parents are understandably overwhelmed with information about caring for their newborn.

The Five Things Your Baby Needs Most from You Continue reading »

Breastfeeding in America: The Black/African American Mothers Experience

Black/African American mothers continue to face disparities that impact breastfeeding rates, be it initiation, duration, or exclusivity. The disparities faced by Black/African American mothers aid in the increased maternal/infant mortality and morbidity rates. The rates are significantly lower with inevitable health consequences for mother and baby. Breastfeeding offers preventative health benefits; exclusive breastfeeding must be

Breastfeeding in America: The Black/African American Mothers Experience Continue reading »

Prenatal Psychological Support Can Positively Impact Baby’s Emotional Well-being

Prenatal mental health can significantly affect the unborn child and its future development. According to research, women experiencing depression or anxiety before or during pregnancy may be at greater risk of having a baby with cognitive, social, and behavioural problems later in life. It highlights the importance of perinatal mental health support for both parents

Prenatal Psychological Support Can Positively Impact Baby’s Emotional Well-being Continue reading »

Labor Induction: Could it have any psychological effects on the baby?                

Labor induction is such a common maternal care practice that it is almost considered to be a normal way of giving birth in the United States. And of course, there are benefits to moms and babies when reasons for induction are medically indicated, such as low amniotic fluid, IUGR and concerning pre-eclampsia symptoms. But with

Labor Induction: Could it have any psychological effects on the baby?                 Continue reading »

Videos for Members to Share with Clients!

CAPPA faculty and owner of Chicago Family Doulas, Annamarie Rodney has created materials for doulas and educators who are just starting out to use! For Labor Doulas Share this video with clients so they know what you can provide and offer! You can edit this on Canva and add your own logo! Edit the Labor/Birth

Videos for Members to Share with Clients! Continue reading »

Six Things IBCLCs Wish All Doulas Knew About Lactation Support

1. Your presence in the early hours and days postpartum places you in a key position to support nursing. By learning all you can about lactation and infant feeding, you can help parents and babies get off to a good start. “Doulas should understand they can help clients reach their breastfeeding goals by ensuring babies

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Timing Arrival to the Hospital During Labor 

Many clients hire doulas because they want to avoid unnecessary intervention, and we all know the best way to do this is to arrive at the hospital at the “right” time. A doula’s job is to balance the ever-evolving needs of the birthing family, their care provider, and our scope of practice. This includes taking

Timing Arrival to the Hospital During Labor  Continue reading »

Navigating Differing Hospital Cultures as a Labor Doula

When I was a new doula, I remember being excited to apply all that I learned in training to support my clients in various birth settings. What I wasn’t prepared for was dealing with differences in birth location policies and working with different providers, who all seemed to have different policies as well. Why was

Navigating Differing Hospital Cultures as a Labor Doula Continue reading »

Hormones that create the pathway to birth. 

The process of pregnancy and birth is truly fascinating. The body has a finely tuned, well-organized intricate system that initiates and drives labour and on through birth and later breastfeeding. These processes help to develop a deep connection and attachment with their infant, following the birth. At no other time in one’s life is the hormonal

Hormones that create the pathway to birth.  Continue reading »

How To Become A Certified New Parent Educator And Why It Might Be Right For You

If you have patience and communication skills and a drive to fill an important role in supporting new parents, becoming a CAPPA Certified New Parent Educator (CNPE) might be your calling. Have you ever wondered how to become an educator for new parents? You don’t need to know everything about parenting to be a CNPE

How To Become A Certified New Parent Educator And Why It Might Be Right For You Continue reading »

What to teach your clients to help their pelvic floors heal postpartum

Let me tell you a little secret about the pelvic floor in the postpartum period…it’s an unsung hero! Issues with the pelvic floor are often dismissed as a “normal” part of having a baby, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Mommas are already dealing with so many changes during pregnancy and postpartum that

What to teach your clients to help their pelvic floors heal postpartum Continue reading »

The Other Endemic: Black Mamas Are Still Dying

The Black Community Black mamas are dying. Although the murder of George Floyd sparked a universal outcry fanned by the flames of Black Lives Matter, Black lives do not appear to matter. Legacies of slavery, racism, and segregation are aspects of historic injustice reflected in America today. The history of medical racism in the US

The Other Endemic: Black Mamas Are Still Dying Continue reading »

Infant Formula Recalls and Proper Powder Formula Preparation

The tragic news of several hospitalizations and infant deaths has prompted a severe warning from the FDA and massive recalls by Abbott Nutrition.   The first recall was announced on February 17, 2022, by Abbott Nutrition, which manufactures the Similac Alimentum and EleCare brands.  An additional batch of formula was recalled on February 28, 2022,

Infant Formula Recalls and Proper Powder Formula Preparation Continue reading »

Why is Anti-racism work important for doulas and educators?

Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy and postpartum-related causes than white women. Multiple factors contribute to these disparities, such as quality of healthcare, underlying chronic conditions, structural racism, and implicit bias. As CAPPA educators and doulas, we are committed to improving birth and postpartum for all people. Therefore, it is

Why is Anti-racism work important for doulas and educators? Continue reading »

The Doula Evolution

The progression in this business has some very similar and familiar characteristics and you may find them in yourself as you travel through the journey of being a professional Doula.  How will you change your business practices or your opinions on clients and the interactions with other professionals within the community?  Will the things you

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The Incredible Power of Newborn Stem Cells

Meet CBR Families who have preserved and used this precious resource. Recommended #1 by families and OB/GYNs, Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) is the world’s largest and most experienced newborn stem cell company. As part of our commitment to advancing the clinical applications of newborn stem cells, we have helped over 600 families use their cord

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Helping Clients Process Emotions After Birth

As postpartum doulas, one of our major roles is that of communicator/coach/counselor. The skills we develop to successfully fill this role can greatly enhance our support as we become enmeshed in the family’s life. This role of communicator/coach/counselor enables us to be one of the best lines of defense against some of the emotional and

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Does your State have a Breastfeeding Coalition?

What: State and Local breastfeeding coalitions are there to support, educate and advocate for families, healthcare providers, childbirth educators and doulas. Check in your state or county to see what they are up to for 2021! Many Coalitions are supported by The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) which  is an independent nonprofit coalition of more

Does your State have a Breastfeeding Coalition? Continue reading »

Vicarious Trauma and Birth Work

The American Psychological Association defines trauma as an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. However, a person may experience trauma as a response to any event they find physically or emotionally threatening or harmful. Our minds are so powerful, powerful enough to work, study, engage, and manage the

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A Mother’s Triumph

Some mother’s experience challenges while breastfeeding, there are many challenges that they can face while breastfeeding. When moms encounter these barriers, they are less likely to continue their journey with breastfeeding. One of the common challenges I get from moms are nipple pain, which then leads to the question, “Is my baby getting enough milk?”

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