
Find a Doula or Educator

Parents, and expecting parents, can utilize the extensive CAPPA member directory to connect with professionals to get the help they desire.

If you're looking for a

  • Labor Doula
  • Childbirth Educator
  • Postpartum Doula
  • Lactation Educator
  • New Parent Educator
Woman Visiting Pregnant Friend At Home

Labor Doula CLD

Providing emotional, physical, and evidence-based, informational support before, during, and after birth.

Close-up photo of a baby breastfeeding.

Lactation Educator CLE™

Educating, counseling, and supporting families and the community by providing evidence based information about lactation and breastfeeding.

Pregnant Women Meeting At Ante Natal Class

Childbirth Educator CCCE

Educating and supporting families by providing comprehensive, evidence-based information.


New Parent Educator CNPE

CAPPA New Parent Educators work in public-health clinics, hospitals, care-providers’ offices, and private settings throughout the world.

Pretty woman holding a newborn baby in her arms

Postpartum Doula CPD

CAPPA Postpartum Doulas fill an important role in providing emotional, physical, and evidence-based informational support to the new family after the birth of their baby.



Re-certification is for CAPPA certified professionals to document their professional growth and continuing education. Re-certification is required every 3 years.

CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association) is an international certification organization for Doulas, Childbirth Educators, and Lactation Educators.

Since our foundation in 1998, we have certified thousands of perinatal professionals.

As one of the first and most comprehensive perinatal organizations in the world, CAPPA is respected for its longevity and its commitment to excellence in both education and unsurpassed student and member support.

Choosing an organization for your education is an important decision. CAPPA offers the stability that you can be confident in as you invest in your education and career.

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