
Supporting Single Moms by Choice

As a labor and postpartum doula, I have supported a number of single moms by choice, helping them navigate the challenges of birthing and parenting without the benefit of a partner.  The unique needs of these clients can sometimes be challenging both emotionally and physically for anyone supporting them during this life changing time. First

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Teaching and Activities for Baby’s Development 0-12 Months

Although our roles as educators and doulas don’t typically extend for the first 12 months, I’ve found that parents LOVE learning about what’s coming, what to expect, and how to support their baby’s development.  Here is some information about physical, emotional, and cognitive development in the first year.  In 12 short months, there are leaps

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Type A Personality and Becoming A New Mom, How Does That Look?

Many women in my birth classes are self-admitted Type A personalities.  Often, these highly driven, uber-organized, and very detailed planners, express their concern about how they will be able to manage with a deficit of sleep when baby arrives. Some of the qualities of a Type A personality can make it harder to make a

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The Mother-voice

“There are very few times in life when women are as vulnerable as they are during the birth process. It is important to not let vulnerability keep us from owning the process and being the decision makers about our bodies and our babies.” [1] Oftentimes childbirth is misunderstood as a predictable and orderly occurrence, rather

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Supporting a New Mother’s Ability to Parent

Providing care to a new mother and her newborn is a privilege that should not be taken lightly as a healthcare provider.  Everyone that plays a role in either educating or participating in physical and psychological support must ensure the new mother feels safe and cared for in her ability to take care of her

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Am I A Good Mom?

When women become Mothers, there is great expectation about our ability to care for, nurture, protect and respond to our babies and children.  There may even be an assumption that we all know how to do this.  It’s in our DNA, right?  When I work with Moms on day 2 or 3 postpartum; parenting toddlers, school-aged

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Evaluating Credibility in Everyday Sources of Information

As critical consumers of information, it is necessary to evaluate the credibility and legitimacy of resources, especially on the Internet. In a world of free information, which is without guidelines, monitoring, and representation, truth and lies can be as difficult to determine as the supermarket tabloids in the checkout stands. Anyone can post anything in

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Safe Sleep Support and Practical Advice for New Parents

Presented By: Shari Criso MSN, RN, CNM, IBCLC Newborn babies will spend most of their early life, up to 16-17 hours per day sleeping. Beyond feeding and making sure that baby is getting everything they need to develop and grow optimally, we want to make sure that they are ALWAYS safe! As a Registered Nurse, a

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The Season of Motherhood

Having lived a bit more than a half a century now, I find that one of my favorite words is “seasons.” Maybe because I’m a die-hard Pete Seeger fan and love the way he took words from Ecclesiastes and turned them into a catchy song, most notably made famous by The Byrd’s Turn, Turn, Turn. “There is a

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