Home Birth

Picture of an IV drip.

Helping Clients Embrace Medical Intervention

I am betting THAT got your attention!  As labor doulas, as childbirth educators, we spend much of our time helping clients who have asked us to help them avoid routine medical intervention.  Not every couple who attends childbirth classes or hires a doula wants an unmedicated birth, but it has been my experience that most […]

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5 Tips for Supporting a Home Birth Labor Doula Client

I came into doula work shortly after the birth of my first son who was a #borderbaby. I was one of the few Alabama woman who choose to birth across the state line to Tennessee to receive care from a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) and have an out-of-hospital (OOH) birth. This choice was easy for

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The Why and What of Natural Childbirth

Anesthesia was first used for birth in 1847, 171 years, or roughly seven generations ago. In response to this, Grantly Dick-Read coined the term natural childbirth in the 1940’s. Before that it was just called birth, like organic food was just called food before Lord Northbourne coined the term organic around the same time. Natural

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A Book Review – Round the Circle: Doulas Share Their Experiences

They say that experience is the best teacher. However, another person’s experience can be an even better teacher. That is the idea behind the collection of doula experiences by CAPPA Faculty Member Julie Brill, CCCE, CLD in her book, Round the Circle: Doulas Share Their Experiences. The title gives a great glimpse into what the

A Book Review – Round the Circle: Doulas Share Their Experiences Continue reading »

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