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Infant Formula Recalls and Proper Powder Formula Preparation

The tragic news of several hospitalizations and infant deaths has prompted a severe warning from the FDA and massive recalls by Abbott Nutrition.   The first recall was announced on February 17, 2022, by Abbott Nutrition, which manufactures the Similac Alimentum and EleCare brands.  An additional batch of formula was recalled on February 28, 2022, […]

Infant Formula Recalls and Proper Powder Formula Preparation Continue reading »

Updates to Our Postpartum Doula Scope of Practice

Laura Nance – CPD, CLD, CLE®, CCCE, CPFE, Faculty, Senior Program Advisor CAPPA recently made changes to the Postpartum Doula Scope of Practice.  These changes reflect the needs of postpartum doulas and the work they do with families. First, let’s talk about why a Scope of Practice is even necessary.  It comes down to two

Updates to Our Postpartum Doula Scope of Practice Continue reading »

Protecting Yourself and Your Clients as a Postpartum Doula During the COVID-19 Pandemic

These are unprecedented times as there has not been a serious health situation such as coronavirus/COVID-19 in recent history. This has left many postpartum doulas wondering how to handle in home support for clients. As evidence-based professionals, we want to follow the guidance of the most recent and relevant information; this could include the CDC,

Protecting Yourself and Your Clients as a Postpartum Doula During the COVID-19 Pandemic Continue reading »

Supporting Labor Clients During COVID-19 Pandemic

Your CAPPA Labor Doula Faculty team would like to share some ideas for supporting your clients if hospitals are not allowing doulas to provide support during labor. Please remember that it is your professional responsibility to follow CDC recommendations including staying home if you have any type of illness symptoms, following proper hand washing protocols,

Supporting Labor Clients During COVID-19 Pandemic Continue reading »

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