Juan “ The Dudla” Irby

Kannapolis NC United States

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Congrats dude!! You’re pregnant!! So, have you thought about what kind of dud…I mean Dad you want to be? Mom-imagine a world where your partner is equipped to embrace parenthood with confidence. Where men are encouraged to make intuitive and informed decisions about birth.

Dad- imagine a world where you are seen and your voice is heard.

Hey!! I’m Juan Irby a male birth and postpartum doula and new parent educator, owner and founder of Dad to Dudla. I have been married to my wife for ten years and we have two wonderful children. My focus is to help dads be better prepared for the birth of their child or children and to help mom and dad navigate the postpartum experience. Pregnancy, birth, parenting and postpartum…those are areas in particular with which we need all the support. My roles as your dudla all center around that idea. I love bearing witness to, and reminding parents of, their strength as they move through the changes that a baby brings. Each person’s definition of a successful and happy birth is different. I feel my role as a doula and educator is to support parents in finding the information, education, and support to birth and feed their babies the way they want to; the way that works for their lives. I also volunteer with Postpartum Support International and talk with Dads who are experiencing challenges in their parenting journey. When I am not with babies or families, I love baking, cooking and spending time with my family.


Certification Number Expiration Date

Services Offered:

  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Labor Support
  • Postpartum Support
  • Remote Support/Virtual Classes
  • Trained Labor Doula
  • Trained New Parent Educator
  • Trained Postpartum Doula


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