Samantha Collinsworth

Samantha Collinsworth

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Labor Support, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Teen Support, Trained Labor Doula, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Fort Mitchell Kentucky United States

Hello there!! My name is Samantha (Sam) and I am a Doula in training. I am thrilled to be following my passion and sharing my knowledge with expecting families! Holding space for birth intentions and positive birthing experiences is my priority. The physical and emotional wellbeing of my clients are in good hands, and I will offer informational support in the prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum phases.


CLD Certification Number: PR12-202316, expires December 19, 2024 (EDT)


Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
859-445-1036 (mobile)
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