Kindle-Simone Friedlander

Kindle-Simone Friedlander

Services Offered: Birth Photography, Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Teen Support, Trained Childbirth Educator, Trained Labor Doula, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Alpharetta GA United States

My name is Kindle-Simone and I am mom to three great kids. My oldest daughter is 15, my son is 10, and my youngest daughter is 7. I have been fascinated with pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns all my life, and have a passion for serving people.

Supporting mothers and partners before, during and after their childbirth journey. Empowering women trust their bodies to do what it was designed to do, and support them with any birth plan they may envision. To date, I have assisted in over 40 births and cant wait to educate, support, and empower you!


CLD Certification Number: 4-202001, expires April 8, 2023 (EDT)


Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
4049154348 (mobile)
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