Hi! As a mom to 8, all with their own distinctive birth story, I come to you with a lot of personal experience. Additionally, I have supported many others through their births as a doula and a birth photographer. I have also nursed all 8 for a total of 18 yrs of breastfeeding and like their births, they each came with their own hurdles and experience. As I breastfed I would be approached to help and did help many of moms with their breastfeeding journey. As my children got older I have gone through lactation classes to become a lactation counselor, then I went through birth photography certification, followed by doula training. I am always continuing my education on all 3 of those subjects that are so dear to my heart. I love supporting other women to help reach their goals and showing them how strong they are. Birth is a beautiful and yet powerful time for a woman and her partner. Empowerment through education, care, support, and photography is my purpose in your journey.