Chloe Rutkowski

Chloe Rutkowski

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Labor Support, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Trained Labor Doula, VBAC Classes, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Grand Rapids Michigan United States

Hello! I am Chloe and I am located in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. I am excited that you’ve made your way to my profile. I am passionate about birth, babies, and providing compassionate and trauma sensitive care to all of my clients. Whether you are birthing at home, in the hospital, or a birth center I am looking forward to walking alongside you through this adventure.


CLD Certification Number: 3-202332, expires March 23, 2026 (EDT)


Email addresses: (Alternate)
Phone numbers:
9893702242 (mobile)
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