Adele Loux-Turner

Adele Loux-Turner

Services Offered: Belly Casting, Labor Support, Trained Postpartum Doula
Location: Brooklyn NY United States

Adele’s doula work is grounded by her movement background. She first came to doula work via her yoga teaching career: she has taught prenatal and postnatal yoga since 2006, and has attended births since 2008. She is also a RSME (Registered Somatic Movement Educator) as well as Infant Developmental Movement Educator through the school for Body-Mind Centering®. Because of her various educational capacities, Adele enjoys fostering relationships through the length of people’s transition to parenthood- from pregnancy planning though the first year. Babies Project
Carriage House Birth


Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
917363-3685 (mobile)
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