Antepartum Doula Recertification Fee


All prices are listed in USD.

We recommend that you contact about the recertification process before paying this fee.

This is the fee for processing your completed recertification packet and materials after it has been received by the CAPPA Office.  For all details regarding recertification, please visit this page on our website.

  • You are always welcome to pay the fee in advanced if necessary. Please attach a receipt of your payment to the packet when you mail it to us.
  • This is NOT a membership fee and will not activate an On-Hold or Expired membership plan.
  • Paying this fee does NOT automatically renew your CAPD credentials.  You must satisfy your recertification requirements in order to continue using CAPD in a professional manner.
SKU: RECERT-CAPD-075 Category:

Antepartum Doula Recertification Fee paid every three years upon a doula or educator getting recertified through the CAPPA certification process.

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