Jodi Congdon

Postpartum Doula & Lactation Educator Faculty

Location: Massachusetts

I am the founder and owner of Hip to Heart. Giving birth was a life changing experience for me and was ultimately what made me decide to get involved in pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding as a career. I feel compelled to educate women on the options and choices they have for their births to try and make each and every experience the very best it can be. I know how important the postpartum time is and my priority is to support new moms to the fullest capacity.

I am a trained Labor Doula and Childbirth Educator as well as a certified Lactation Educator and Postpartum Doula. I am also a member of the CAPPA Faculty as the Postpartum Doula and Lactation Educator Trainer for New England. In addition to that, I am also a Certified Health and Wellness Coach specializing in prenatal and postpartum women.

I reside in Foxboro with my husband, three lovely daughters (the last two were amazing homebirths!), two cats and a dog.

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