Kimberly Bepler

Kimberly Bepler


Servicios ofrecidos: Apoyo a la lactancia, Consultora de lactancia, Soporte múltiple, Clases de cuidado del recién nacido, Apoyo posparto, Asistencia remota / clases virtuales, Educadora capacitada en lactancia, Educador de padres nuevo capacitado, Doula posparto capacitada
Ubicación: Parque Litchfield, Arizona, EE. UU.

If you are looking for a doula, let’s connect! Since 2001 it has been my passion to serve, educate and nurture new parents and their babies. I started ABC DOULA as a solo service, and quickly expanded into an agency when I couldn’t handle all the requests myself. Since then I have had teams of 5-25, and all along the way we have cared for parents expecting and welcoming their new babies (and twins!) and created a supportive circle for them to thrive. We have now served over 3000 families, including 740 families with twins or triplets.

If you are an expectant parent looking for a class to prepare you, I have options for you–I’m a New Parent Educator! I have a passion for the new family, and seeing so many families struggle in the postpartum time frame (and wanting to support them to bond and connect with feeding and caring for their infant) lead me to become an educator to help families prepare ahead of time for the amazing transformation. I love having the broader reach of teaching classes at a local hospital and online self paced courses (check out my Know Your Newborn and Becoming a Grandparent course on my ABC Doula course page).  I also decided to become a Lactation Consultant in 2010 because it was my heart to help families with as many breastfeeding skills as I could stuff in my brain, and I now offer New Baby Consults, helping with everything from breast and bottle feeding to fussy babies and problem solving new baby challenges and sleep.

Si te estás preguntando acerca de tomar una formación profesional en uno de los programas de CAPPA, ¡hablemos! He sido profesora de CAPPA desde 2005 y entreno para los programas Doula posparto, Educadora de lactancia y Educadora de nuevos padres, y mi propio programa avanzado para doulas, NCS y niñeras llamado Working with Multiples, equipando a los cuidadores para trabajar con mi categoría de cliente favorita, mellizos y trillizos! Con 2 décadas en la industria, he seguido evolucionando como educador, incorporando clases en línea y capacitaciones virtuales, e innovando nuevas actividades y enfoques de aprendizaje en el camino para seguir involucrando a mis alumnos para que su tiempo educativo sea divertido y dinámico.

If you are in the Portland or Vancouver metro areas, find us at to see everything our team can do to help prepare you for a successful time with your new baby. If you are looking to work professionally as a postpartum doula, new parent educator, or lactation educator, I offer virtual and in-person trainings for all those programs, and can’t wait to have you in a future training!

I am also the mother to two, one recently launched and one already launched who is married to my wonderful daughter in law, who just delighted us with our first beautiful grandson. Now I am a Lala as well as a doula. 🙂 I love the collaboration at home and work with my husband of over 30 years, as long term relationships teach you so much! I offer Breastfeeding & Newborn Care Comprehensive, Feeding Your Baby, and Becoming a Grandparent, as well as Twins and More classes within the Providence Health System, teaching both virtually and in-person, and I facilitate moms groups for parents creating community around the early parenting journey. Although I have been teaching and training for a long time, my savvy kids and millennial and Gen Z students keep me current and always learning, and I even have a thriving IG account where I share my passion with the world. (I have a lot covered in reels!)

Want to see a sample of my teaching style? I have produced 2 instructional videos for educators and new parents covering swaddling approaches and connected infant bathing. I’ve seen the world change since the pandemic, opening up awareness of mental health and social justice, and seeing the doula world explode–something I have been working towards for 20+ years! Never before has the world been so focused on postpartum recovery, and building up the new parent! I have a new calling to equip grandparents to care for their babies (who then can care for THEIR babies) and it fuels my heart even more. My joy centers around making a difference for new parents, new doulas, and my community, and changing the world one family at a time. I can’t wait to connect with you.


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