The one thing I’ve always known I wanted to be is a mom. Born in Michigan and loving to travel I have explored our beautiful country extensively and settled in Ramrod key. There’s nowhere else in the world I would rather be. Music has been a lifelong passion, I play the flute. I practice jiu-jitsu and like to spend time with my dog, cat, friends, and family. I love being outside-getting out on the water, camping, walks in the refuge, and gardening. I am a licensed realtor and love to help people. In March of 2016 my dreams came true and my husband and I became the proud parents of our son. Being born at home, and blessed to attend several births in my youth, I was hoping to have that experience for myself. It did not work out that way and I suffered trauma from my personal birth experience that I have overcome.. This is what has drawn me to want to be a doula. I want to be able to help women feel strong and heard during this miraculous process. I want to be a source of encouragement, calm, and knowledge for the mother and family.