Tabitha Kathleen Sotomayor

El Sobrante CA United States

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If you’d like to see a Childbirth Educator Training in or around California, please contact me! We may be able to work together to bring a training near you. Visit for a current list of trainings. BirthWays Board of Directors: Vice President, Meet the Doulas Night Coordinator, and Education Committee Chair
East Bay Doula Group Moderator
Doulas of the East Bay Moderator
LGBTQ Perinatal Associates of the Bay Area Member
East Bay Postpartum Doula Circle Member In 2005 I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA with a BS in Biology and Psychology. After becoming pregnant with my first daughter in 2008, I decided that my passion was to educate and support families during their pregnancy, labor, and birth. I began teaching Childbirth classes in 2009 at a birth center in San Francisco until the birth of my second daughter in 2011. Since then, I have earned CAPPA Certifications in 4 CAPPA programs: Childbirth Educator, Labor Doula, Postpartum Doula, and Lactation Educator, and have also joined the Faculty as a Childbirth Educator Trainer. As a volunteer in my community, I sit on the Board of Directors of BirthWays as Vice President, Meet the Doulas Night Coordinator, and Education Committee Chair, and serve as the Moderator of both the East Bay Doulas and Doulas of the East Bay Groups.


  • Certified Childbirth Educator

Certification Number Expiration Date
CCCE 8-201331 10/04/2026
CLD R12-201516 11/23/2017
CLE 11-201322 11/07/2019
CPD R08-2015150 08/17/2018

Services Offered:

  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Childbirth Classes
  • Labor Support
  • Multiples Support
  • Newborn Care Classes
  • Postpartum Support
  • VBAC Classes
  • Waterbirth Support


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