Shoshana Sue Rieber

Shoshana Sue Rieber

Services Offered: Birth Photography, Breastfeeding Support, Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Multiples Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Trained Labor Doula, Waterbirth Support
Location: Los Angeles CA

I have been supporting women for over 20 years.  I will support you at a home birth, birthing center, or hospital, as long as you have proper certified medical support.  I integrate reflexology, spinning babies techniques as well as acupressure comfort techniques into my prenatal sessions, educational classes and labor support.  A relaxed balanced body is the most beautiful way to prepare to bring your baby into this world.  If you find you have gone past your ‘guess date’ and your baby needs some additional encouragement to come – I have had wonderful success with reflexology to help labor get started!



Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
310/562-2901 (mobile)
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