Sabine Baker Doulacare Charleston

Hi I am Sabine and it has been a dream come true to be supporting women on their birthing journey since 2020. I have attended 120 birth to date and am very familiar with the local birthing community to include all hospitals and birthing center; many midwives, doctors and nurses. I pride myself to have established good relationship in all faculties to enhance the relations within the entire birthing team.
I am a certified labor doula CLD, certified lactation counselor CLC, certified Hypnobabies doula, certified TRICARE doula, trained postpartum doula, 300+hrs Yoga teacher including 85hrs certified prenatal yoga teacher. I also completed REIKI for birth, dancing for birth, spinning babies, prenatal and labor massage, mother’s blessing, closing the bones ceremony and belly binding.
I believe knowledge is power and I like to learn as much as possible to enrich my clients so they are able to make educated decisions for their birth.

I have created a childbirth education class that combines learning about labor and birth combined with yoga, meditations, pranayama and foster community. This class will soon be offered free to our community to enable all mommas regardless of income to learn about childbirth in a relaxed environment.

Before becoming certified with CAPPA I worked as a midwife assistant for over a year and was able to attend many homebirths. I assist moms in the birthing environment of their choice whether it be in the hospital, birthing center or at home. Most births at home and in the birthing center are waterbirths. I understand not every birth is unmedicated and they don’t have to be. I want moms to have an empowered birth however and wherever it might be. I honor the uniqueness in all women as well as their different birthing choices, circumstances or roadblocks that might arise during the prenatal/labor journey. I guide and give birthing partners the knowledge and confidence to help their loved ones during their birthing time to their best ability.

Currently I hold the position as Vice President in our local Professional Doula Group and mentor a new doula in the community to help her find her confidence and knowledge to establish her business.

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