Mislene Cherisca

Mislene Cherisca

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Infant Massage, Labor Support, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Teen Support, Trained Labor Doula, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Alpharetta GA United States

Peace & Blessings! My name is Mislene Cherisca CLD, the owner of Elo’ah of Doulas LLC. I have a Bachelors in Exercise Science and own a Vegan & Organic Body Care Line, Belle Beautè LLC. My passion is assisting Wombman in this beautiful journey called motherhood. My goal is to use my culture, Haiti, background to provide holistic healing to each birthing experience. Also with my educational background, I am aim help Wombman to become a new version of themselves by providing postpartum fitness which will aim towards building back the pelvic floor muscles and the core. We as Wombmen are the portals of the spiritual realms and should be treated with the most divine care. Thank you for trusting in me and my services and together we will manifest a beautiful experience. Love. Peace. Universe.


CLD Certification Number: 3-201907, expires May 10, 2025 (EDT)


Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
678-382-8901 (mobile)
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