Mira Kevic

Mira Kevic

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Postpartum Support, Teen Support, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Toronto ON Canada

I am certified to assist hypno-birthing parents using the Mongan method, and have also completed a course on acupressure techniques for use during labour. I am a trained lactation educator and teach breastfeeding classes for parents to be. My sister and I also offer placenta encapsulation services. Find us on meetup!
Check out Toronto Pregnancy and Childbirth Meetup Crew
Check out Toronto Postpartum and Community Meetup Crew
Most of our meetups are free and they’re a great way to meet other parents in Toronto and learn some fun stuff too!


CLD Certification Number: 6-201619, expires December 20, 2025 (EDT)

Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
416995-6067 (home)
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