Sandra Bruce

Sandra Bruce

Services Offered: Labor Support, Trained Labor Doula
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Angleton TX United States

Hello everyone, I’m Sandra! I gave birth to my first child at a birth center. I would walk into my prenatal appointments and see the names and dates of the babies that had been born there in the previous months written on the white board in the office. I thought to myself, “if they can do it, I can do it!” I ended up having an amazing, physiological birth and feel like I was let in on a huge secret! Women have been and can continue to birth healthy babies with minimal assistance, given the right support!! Giving birth to your baby is one of the most exciting times in your life! I am here to guide you through this journey so you can make informed decisions for yourself that are evidence-based.  With my assistance, you can take this life changing event and use it as an empowering experience which can follow you into parenthood.


CLD Certification Number: 9-202018, expires September 21, 2023 (EDT)

Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
979-323-6420 (mobile)
979-324-6420 (home)
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