Jaimee Hunter

Certified Labor Doula

Certifications: Certified Labor Doula

Services Offered: Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Newborn Care Classes, Postpartum Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Teen Support, Trained Labor Doula, Trained New Parent Educator, Waterbirth Support

Jaimee Hunter is a Certified Labor Doula (CAPPA) and Certified Yoga Instructor (RYT200, Yoga Alliance) serving the Four States area. She believes so strongly in the importance of the heart-work of doulas that she is creating the Four States Doula Collective and helping mentor other women to create their own doula businesses as part of the collective.

After supporting and cheering for her sister-in-law and witnessing the amazing beauty of her nephew’s birth, Jaimee knew she was being called to serve as a doula. She believes wholeheartedly in each woman’s right to choose the best birth options for herself and her family. Jaimee brings a supportive heart and warm enthusiasm to educating parents on their choices both prenatally and throughout the labor and delivery process. She is both a cheerleader and coach to help families navigate their journey into parenthood.

Jaimee earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Journalism and Public Relations from the University of North Texas in Denton. She worked in PR and marketing for several years before becoming a certified Texas educator serving students with special abilities for 12 years.

Jaimee worked and trained in DFW with the award-winning doulas at North Dallas Doula Associates and earned her Certified Labor Doula credentials with Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA). Additionally, Jaimee holds Yoga Alliance’s RYT200 yoga certificate and would love to share the power of yoga and meditation with you. She is a true believer in the power of the mind and body connection through pregnancy.

Jaimee was raised in Texarkana and worked as an educator in Queen City. After living in the Dallas Fort Worth area for several years, she and her husband Chad felt called back to the Ark-La-Tex to make their home near family and friends. They enjoy spending time with their adult child and three puppies as well as camping and fishing, crocheting (her, not him), and practicing yoga.


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