Crystal Fairburn

Crystal Fairburn

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Teen Support, Trained Postpartum Doula
Certifications: Certified Postpartum Doula
Location: Derry NH United States

6 Years experience working with Special Needs infants/babies up to teenagers in the foster care system. Needs ranged from Drug-addicted newborns to seizures, cerebral-palsy to down syndrome. I’ve also worked with clients who have had g-tubes, colostomy bags and other various medical conditions. During that time, I also worked with Special-needs adults through a different agency for about 6 years as well.

* feel free to follow/join me on Facebook & Instagram: @HalfHolisticHousewife


CPD Certification Number: 1-202015, expires January 27, 2023 (EDT)


Email addresses: (Alternate)
Phone numbers:
6033037775 (home)
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