Miranda Yogan

Miranda Yogan

Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Labor Support, Postpartum Support
Location: Atlanta Georgia United States

Pregnancy, labor and delivery is the most exciting and sacred thing a women will experience in her life. Yet it’s treated with such little care that traumatic birth experiences, induced labors, cesarean sections and failed nursing attempts are rising rapidly.

Natural labor and delivery is designed almost perfectly but isn’t always without fault.I aim to marry unmedicated natural birth with the advancements of modern medicine when necessary to create positive birth experiences.

If you choose me as your doula, you’ll get the best educational, emotional and physical support needed to have the natural delivery you want with the confidence and assurance to make informed medical decisions only if necessary.

*Please note, I am not currently certified as a birth doula. I am presently fulfilling my requirements to become a Certified Labor Doula through CAPPA.


Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
8146195135 (mobile)
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