Kira Kim

Kira Kim


Services Offered: Breastfeeding Support, Lactation Consultant, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Trained Labor Doula, Trained Lactation Educator
Certifications: Certified Lactation Educator™ CLE®
Location: Lynn Massachusetts United States

Kira Kim is an IBCLC in private practice serving families all over the North Shore. She has a degree in Sociology and Public health and is active in causes related to reproductive justice as well as those that serve to increase diversity in the lactation field. With a midwifery background, her clinical interest is in the impact of fetal positioning during labor and birth on early breastfeeding success. In addition to providing in home lactation care, she is an herbalist, teaches prenatal breastfeeding and is involved in numerous mentorship projects for aspiring IBCLCs. She is excited to currently be in the process of going back to midwifery, this time the CNM route.   She lives next to the beach with her husband and is Mama to four rambunctious kids, all of whom enjoyed extended nursing relationships.


CLE Certification Number: 1-201909, expires January 22, 2022 (EDT)

Email addresses: (Alternate)
Phone numbers:
6173194542 (mobile)
6173194542 (home)
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