Jessica Wilson ‘Phebe Israel’

Jessica Wilson ‘Phebe Israel’


Services Offered: Antepartum doula, Birth Photography, Breastfeeding Support, Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Multiples Support, Postpartum Support, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Teen Support, Trained Labor Doula, Trained Lactation Educator, Trained New Parent Educator, Trained Postpartum Doula, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Charlotte NC United States

My name is Jessica Wilson ‘Phebe Israel’
I am Founder and CEO of Cultured Peace Services LLC, and Crowning Jewels International from Charlotte, NC. I am a Labor Doula and and End Of Life Doula, Ordained Minister. I specialize in improving the infant mortality rate within women of color and enhancing family connections.
I have assisted many families with transitioning into more enriched lifestyles by understanding their current lifecycle and extending the reach of wellness.
My values are to be a resource for my community. I experience the journey and serve accordingly. My past times are writing, thrifting, traveling, hiking , and family activities.
New 2023 Project Wellness Wagon; 1977 Road Ranger Travel Trailer , Used as a resource for the community, serving more as a wellness provider by exposure in more markets. Please help me move this Mission!



CLD Certification Number: PR11-202109, expires November 3, 2022 (EDT)

Email addresses: (Alternate)
Phone numbers:
9802022368 (mobile)
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