Elsie Parini

Elsie Parini

Services Offered: Labor Support, Postpartum Support, Trained Labor Doula
Certifications: Certified Labor Doula
Location: Burlington VT United States

Elsie Parini is a writer, graphic designer and doula based in Burlington, Vt. She lives with her husband, their two kids (born in 2018 and 2020) and husky Lucille. Elsie has been interviewing and writing feature stories, as well as designing for newspapers and magazines in Vermont since moving back from Taiwan in 2010.

Becoming a doula was a surprising twist that came as an easy and obvious choice this year. While in training, she also founded The Birth Story Project, which joins Elsie’s passion for empowered births with her commitment to authentic storytelling.


CLD Certification Number: 12-202016, expires December 22, 2023 (EDT)


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