Debbie Hull

Debbie Hull

Services Offered: Childbirth Classes, Labor Support, Newborn Care Classes, Remote Support/Virtual Classes, Teen Support, Trained Childbirth Educator, Trained Labor Doula, Trained New Parent Educator, VBAC Classes, Waterbirth Support
Certifications: Certified Childbirth Educator, Certified Labor Doula, Certified New Parent Educator
Location: Katy TX United States

I have been a doula in private practice since 1999, 450+ births. I originally certified as a childbirth educator with another certifying body, but have since let that certification go and am certified by CAPPA. I am also senior advisor for CAPPA’s Labor Doula training program and a member of CAPPA’s Labor Doula and Childbirth Educator Faculty.

KPFT radio Whole Mother (guest host) (

BIRTH (Bringing Information & Resources To Houston) speaker

Former ICAN leader


CLD Certification Number: 3-201704, expires March 20, 2026 (EDT)
CCCE Certification Number: 8-201807, expires August 11, 2024 (EDT)
CNPE Certification Number: 10-202002, expires October 19, 2026 (EDT)

Email addresses:
Phone numbers:
8328674100 (mobile)
2815991381 (home)
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