Bruna Gomes

Hello! My name is Bruna and I am a certified labor doula. My family is Brazilian and I currently live in Methuen, MA. I was raised bilingual and am raising my children the same. I’m married to an amazing man and we have two kids, Anthony and Marina, and a dog named Misty. I love to spend time with my family, read, cook, bake, and spend time outdoors with my kids. I love seeing the world through my children’s eyes. It is so humbling and amazing. I became familiar with what doulas are and what we do throughout the postpartum period of my first born, my son. During my second pregnancy with my daughter is when I dove in and learned more about labor/birth doulas and gained more knowledge as to what it is we do. I have helped family members and close friends during their postpartum periods ever since I was a teenager. I was always so intrigued with maternity, motherhood and newborns and how our bodies go through such an amazing process to bring life onto Earth. I could talk for hours on why families need information and consent during pregnancy and labor/birth and the importance of knowing your options. My goal as a doula is to help you feel empowered to have the birth that you desire by giving you the information and tools that you need in order to help you feel safe and supported throughout such a vulnerable and life changing time in your life.

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